Producer. Advisor. Educator. Author. Speaker.
Adam Leipzig - The Mentor
As game-changing visionary and leader, Adam has been disrupting expectations in the entertainment industry for over 35 years.
About Adam Leipzig
- CEO of MediaU.
- Former President of National Geographic Films.
- Former Senior VP at Walt Disney Studios.
- CEO of Entertainment Media Partners.
- Publisher and Managing Editor of Cultural Daily; Publisher of DCReport.
- Faculty member at UC Berkeley Haas School of Business.
- Author of two books for emerging filmmakers: Inside Track for Independent Filmmakers and Filmmaking In Action.
Feature Films
Awards & Nominations
Billion $ Gross Sales
Creatives Worked With
Disrupting Hollywood Expectations
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The keys to good producing
“The keys to good producing,” says Adam Leipzig, “are to marry the creative with the financially-realistic; cast great collaborators in front of and behind the camera; keep the vision strong; and always, always strive for extraordinary work.”
This philosophy has motivated Adam to succeed at media projects others thought were impossible. He has 38 films to his credit — many of which have disrupted Hollywood expectations.
Adam works as a producer in both consulting and full-responsibility capacities.
Talk to The Mentor
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